但她们都不是一家企业的第一创始人。而伊丽莎白是第一个从 0 到 1 ,做到硅谷独角兽的创业公司女性 CEO 兼创始人。硅谷需要这样一个故事,美国人需要这样一个故事。接下来,主流媒体开始了一场轰轰烈烈的造星运动:她登上了无数的杂志封面——《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志把她评选为“全球最年轻的、白手起家的女性亿万富翁”;
【关键词】 个税改革;居民收入;宏观经济Absrtact:Thispaper studies the effects of tax reform on the macroeconomy. In terms ofresident income, on the one hand, the calculation of the new taxable amount,the tax reduction amount per month and the tax reduction ratio through theincome example method shows that there is a significant difference in theimpact of the individual tax reform on the residents of different incomegroups. On the other hand, in other earnings, the tax rate applicable to laborremuneration, author remuneration, and royalties will be significantly reducedfor the group with comprehensive lower income, while the tax rate applicablefor other incomes will be significantly higher for those with higher comprehensiveincomes. In terms of macroeconomics, the tax reductions and exemptionsimplemented by this tax reform will inevitably lead to the expansion ofconsumption, which in turn will drive the growth of domestic GDP. By taking GDP(82.71 trillion) in 2017 for example, this tax reform can pull the GDP of Chinaby growth of 0.87 percentage points.